(Image source – Wikiimages)
Going for a little birdwatching? Here are some facts about some of the exotic species found at Skyview by Empyrean-
- Did you know that Skyview World is one of the best spots in the region to witness exotic birds? Thanks to the several riverine and bushes, one can experience birding in several spots. Here are two species of birds that you can witness at Skyview.
- Blue Magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha) with its characteristic long tail, is found in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent along with regions of Myanmar, Combodia, and Vietnam. It feeds on fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates. Its vocal sounds are very similar to that of a flute.
- Bulbul: The word bulbul has been derived from the Hindi word which translates to nightingale. They are famous for their song with prominent crescendo effects.
- You can explore birding like never before in India at Skyview Adventure Valley. The birding trail is 4-7 km one sided, from the lower terminal towards Chennai. The ideal time for this experience would be sunrise to early morning.